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Sever Storey, LLP - Winston-Salem

Winston-Salem Eminent Domain Attorneys

Sever Storey, LLP - Winston-Salem's Bio:

At Sever Storey, we work exclusively for LANDOWNERS in Indiana, North Carolina, Illinois and Ohio. Our mission is to hold taking agencies, whether they be State, Federal, Local, Utility or University, accountable to the landowners whose land they are acquiring. Our entire firm is built around serving you, the landowner who is facing eminent domian or condemnation.At Sever Storey we have provided results and solutions for hundreds of landowners and businesses that have been faced with eminent domain and condemnation. We have a large body of practical experience in solving problems that may arise in the eminent domain or condemnation process. Over the years we have represented farmers, business owners, and residential landowners on projects ranging from commercial takings where millions of dollars were at issue to small set back cases.At Sever Storey we like to listen and understand your problems. By listening to you carefully we can then apply the facts against our experience to identify issues that you may never have contemplated. When we give recommendations and advice, you can rest assured it will specifically answer your problems and will be backed by years of experience.Practice Areas:Winston-Salem Eminent Domain AttorneysWinston-Salem Landowner AttorneysWinston-Salem Condemnation LawyerContact:Sever Storey301 North Main Street #2406Winston-Salem, NC 27101Phone: 336-245-1155Toll Free: 888-318-3761Fax: 336-245-1154Business Email: [email protected]: http://landownerattorneys.comSocial Profiles:FacebookYoutubeGoogle+ LocalFlickrBloggerIssuuTumblrStumbleUponBehanceDailymotionDisqusKickstarterTEDGravatar500pxAboutMeCalameoIndiegogoEvernoteLivestreamStorifyLiveJournalScoopitCarbonmadeVisual.lyActiverainCodecademyDiigoWikidotPen.ioSoupCare2KloutSpreakerWeheartit8tracksBrandyourselfHulkshareSpruzRankerBeta.vizualizeClarityVisualcvYourlistenLookupPageWaneloBizsugarItsmyurlsSteepsterBetternetworkerZintroOgoingStartupxploreTrepupFollrXperlink  

Sever Storey, LLP - Winston-Salem's Interests & Activities:

Winston-Salem Eminent Domain Attorneys, Winston-Salem Landowner Attorneys, Winston-Salem Condemnation Lawyer

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